Jonathan (Jon) McArthur has been heavily involved with Volunteer Search and Rescue since his reintroduction nine years ago. Starting as a member of the local team, he quickly became President, Director of North East Region of Alberta and VP of Search and Rescue Alberta. He is a Sergeant, Aircraft Structures Technician currently posted to 409 Tactical Fighter Squadron. Jon is very passionate about his secondary duty with RCAF GSAR team, located at 4 Wing Cold Lake, where he currently holds the position of second in command. Most recently he became the President of Cold Lake Search and Rescue for his forth term. Jon has always had a flare for the outdoors and loves being in the woods. He teaches all over the province both in Wilderness Living Skills, Basic SAR Skills and SAR Leadership. He has combined his enthusiasm for both SAR and outdoor living skills to create a unique learning environment for all skill levels.